

Playback Theater for Deep Stories and Personal Growth
Where: Sintra, Portugal
When: August 2 – August 6

Join us for a 4 day retreat in the magical area of Sintra Portugal. We are inviting just 10 participants to join us in learning how to work safely and artistically with traumatic stories.

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The training will be based on our personal life experiences and traumatic stories, using Creative Ritual, Playback Theater, Psychodrama AND the trauma informed theory of performing traumatic material.

Today the world needs skilled Playback Theater performers to hold trauma stories with professional integrity and artistic vision. Traumatic stories can overwhelm and confuse all performance participants leading to shutdown and re-traumatization.

Roni Alperin, LMFT, RDT/BCT is an actor,director, psychotherapist and drama therapist in private practice in the Bay Area, CA. He is an Adjunct Professor at the CIIS Drama Therapy program. He is the founder and director of the San Francisco Playback Theatre Company, and a Therapeutic Spiral psychodrama practitioner.Roni leads Playback Theater training, performances and therapy groups with a focus on treating PTSD and personal and collective trauma.

Aviva Apel-Rosenthal is the founder and artistic director of ‘PLAY-LIFE’ PBT in Tel Aviv since 1991, and past President of IPTN (2006 – 2011). She is a professional theater actor and director and for more than 30 years, she is teaching and training playback internationally all over the world. Aviva is an Accredited Playback Theatre Trainer and CPT senior teacher. She is one of the founders and teachers of the Israeli PBT School (with CPT)
She has a BA in Theatre Studies, an MA in Women studies and the Arts, and a Diploma in Integrative Arts Therapy and group facilitation. Aviva is an expert in conducting performances and workshops, for artistic, therapeutic and social events.

Registration 844 €

You have the opportunity to learn a trauma-informed theory for building skills, safety, and artistic vision and leave with a deep understanding of:

  • The 4 categories for scene-containment
  • Practices for resourcing the self, ensemble, audience, and teller
  • Playback forms for enhancing containment and healing
  • Ways to safely create opening scenes for traumatic stories
  • Projective identification (PI) and defenses
  • Use of PI as a creative resource for actor and ensemble work
  • Managing defenses from the conductors and actors
  • Honoring and transforming defenses
  • Deepening the story and creating aesthetic distance in exposure scenes
  • Energetic expression of traumatic scenes
  • Ways to release, express and shift stuck emotions, the 3 types of catharsis
  • Closing scenes with post traumatic growth roles and perspectives
  • Post-performance containing practice

Trauma is locked in our body and brains, keeping us in patterns of self-neglect and self-perpetration. This retreat will give you the tools to master your own trauma so you can be available to hold other people’s trauma stories. All this in a beautiful villa with a swimming pool and the wonderful views of Sintra, Portugal!